+91 9816045301 shivayoga99@gmail.com

Yoga TTC Dates & Fees

Yoga teacher training fully residential program

Our Yoga Teacher Training (TTC) follows a structured daily routine, beginning with pranayama and meditation in the early morning. The day is dedicated to focused asana practice, and in the evening, students engage in relaxation and restorative activities. Classes start at 6:00 AM and finish around 6:00 PM, with a long lunch break during the day for relaxation and nourishment. In between, students enjoy shorter breaks for tea and healthy snacks.

We come together as a group for breakfast after the morning session, fostering a sense of community and connection.

The TTC program combines lectures, practical workshops, and a variety of activities such as group discussions, silent walks, and karma yoga. Every Saturday is dedicated exclusively to asana practice, with the rest of the day reserved for self-practice and reflection. Sundays are a free day for students to relax and recharge.

This balance of structured learning and self-care helps students deepen their practice, gain teaching skills, and experience personal transformation throughout the course.

Yoga Teacher Training Dates & Fees (2024-25)

DatesLevelSingle RoomShared RoomLocationApply
3rd – 25th Apr 2025200 YTTC1400 USD1200 USDD/ShalaApply Now
3rd – 25th May 2025200 YTTC1400 USD1200 USDD/ShalaApply Now
3rd – 25th Jun 2025200 YTTC1400 USD1200 USDD/ShalaApply Now
3rd – 25th Aug 2025200 YTTC1400 USD1200 USDD/ShalaApply Now
3rd – 25th Sep 2025200 YTTC1400 USD1200 USDD/ShalaApply Now
3rd – 25th Oct 2025200 YTTC1400 USD1200 USDD/ShalaApply Now
3rd – 25th Nov 2025200 YTTC1400 USD1200 USDD/ShalaApply Now
3rd – 25th Dec 2025200 YTTC1400 USD1200 USDD/ShalaApply Now